Cookies,Sweets,Flavored Milk & Snack = SUGAR
Why is Sugar harmful for children????
1# They become over active and cant concentrate
and learn in school.
2# They become sugar addicted and are likely
to get diabetes.
3# It break down the chid's immunity system
and thye get sick more easy.
4# It make them feel full so that they don't feel
hungry for normal Healthy food
5# It creates mood swings of a child.
6# It dehydtares young children.
7# It creates sleeping di sorder.
8# It will give bad teeth.
9# It wears out the pancreas quickly.
10# Eeasy to get infections from other children.
Dari penjelasan diatas semoga ibu-ibu bisa mengerti bahawa bahaya nya membiasakan memberi makanan yang kurang sehat untuk anak-anak nya.
Biasakanlah memberikan cemilan yang sehat untuk anak-anak,
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